April, 23, 2021


O comprometimento da Lord está além da qualidade dos produtos, soluções inovadoras e respeito aos clientes. A soma de nossas práticas é fundamentada nos pilares social e ambiental a fim de promover o desenvolvimento sustentável de nosso negócio e nossa comunidade.

The specialists team responsible for the development and strict quality control of the plastic films act with seriousness and responsibility ensuring that the product, after the use and correct disposal, be 100% recyclable.
Nosso portfólio contempla filmes produzidos a partir de um percentual de resinas pós consumo, resinas provenientes de fontes renováveis (green) e filmes monomateriais.

We have in our structure a recycling plant that changes all the waste generated from our processes, as well as the third-parties waste into raw-material again.
These resins are reused in an efficient and ecological way, so that new plastic products can be produced.

We use the most modern recycling processes that count with cutting-edge equipment, extremely qualified professionals and a strict quality and hygiene control.
Together this way we make from sustainability an essential part of our business, contributing to our customers activities, thereby to the life of our consumers.

Assista o vídeo abaixo e veja o processo sustentável da LORD.

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